About Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Calvary has proclaimed the good news of Jesus in the Capital District since 1938. We love Jesus, want to honor Jesus, and help each other grow closer to Jesus. Our heritage is Reformed, our tone is joyous, our worship is traditional and our disposition is welcoming.
Our story really begins in Genesis 3 when after the fall of man (Genesis 3), God promised that in Redemptive History, one would come to crush the head of the serpent. God fulfilled that promise in the incarnation, ministry, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. He continues that story through the church today.
Our particular story also has its roots in the Protestant Reformation. We are Reformed, and part of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. We exist to joyfully worship the King of Kings, readily serve one another and eagerly tell others about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Thomas Trouwborst has served at Calvary since 2001, comes from NJ and used to work as a CPA.
Church Is Important
The church is God’s family, it is the household of God (Eph. 2:19-22). It is made up of a people who were once enemies of God but have been reconciled to Him. It is the community of those who have been called out by God. The church is made up of “sinners” who have been called out of darkness.
Jesus is the head of the church. In the church you hear the voice of Christ and see the gifts of the Spirit used. Jesus is committed to His church, He shed His blood for it and you can’t come to Jesus without coming to His people. To neglect the church is to neglect Jesus. Jesus gathers, protects, and preserves His church. God is actively calling the world to repentance and reconciling sinners to himself, and it is through the church that the mission of the Triune God is on display. Jesus builds up His people through it. Life is a battle, and the Christian life especially, is a supernatural battle and cannot be fought alone.
“O Lord, our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
Saint Augustine